On page 50 of his book, Mantra Yoga and Primal Sound, David Frawley describes four different levels of speech. These four are associated with areas of the body and with the chakras (throat, heart, navel and base of the spine.) The interesting point being that unlike so many teachings which refer to a desired ascent of the kundalini shakti into the higher chakras; or the gist of the teachings ask the student to aim at placing the consciousness routinely in a spot near or inside the brow chakra; according to the table lain out by David Frawley, the deepest and most profound 'speech' is associated with the root chakra.
Many people are talking about a measurable field of energy coming from the heart region of the human body, and many researchers are stating that the gut has its own way of perceiving the world. The scheme of the four levels from David Frawley's book is of course, like any other system, open to debate, and all labels have their faults. However, one can see in ordinary life that there is speech that is purely utilitarian, there is speech where emotions change the sound of the words and then one enters the realm of divine speech. Towards the end of his life Vivekananda was in the grounds of a small organization he had helped to set up. He asked a rhetorical question 'Where is the Brahman now?' For some reason this question put the people nearby into an altered state of consciousness. Vivekananda was not giving a talk, he just happened to say the words while other people were nearby.
Anandamayi Ma was sitting with some people who were talking about a spiritual event which was in the planning. The period when this scene took place was during the British occupation of much of India. One of the folk present mentioned that the British were restricting certain kinds of activity, thus the planned event may not happen. Anandamayi Ma then laughed, but it was no ordinary laugh. When I read this account it felt like I was there and could hear her cutting through the web of fear of the rulers, which had been expressed by the comment about possible cancelling of a spiritual event. Apparently many people heard the sound of divine power in that laugh.
Swami Chidananda who was appointed the successor of Shivananda, used to heal people by a combination of touch and chanting a divine name. There are reports that when he chanted the mrityunjaya mantra with a large group of people he brought extra life into the mantra.