FEEDBACK FROM A ONE ON ONE SESSION (seed mantras on the chakras))

'Mantra Shakti has an incredibly acute sense of how to teach in a way that does not feel dogmatic, whilst paying careful attention to the particular stage of learning that any given student may be at.  The 1 to 1 mantra session will undoubtedly surpass expectations both in terms of the effectiveness of these unique mantra compositions, as well as Mantra Shakti's unique discursive style which seamlessly punctuates the chanting of the mantras.  I am incredibly grateful to him for reminding me of the power of this timeless practice.'  Mark Weightman; musician and scholar.  



‘Stepping into Cliff’s workshop I had very little knowledge and experience of mantra but by the end I had learnt a great deal, not only about the method but about myself. What an amazing and beneficial tool to have, I thought as I left. Cliff created a very warm and safe space, whilst adding humour. His instruction was clear, giving time to practise and absorb the work. There is no doubt he is incredibly passionate and this alone makes it a very worthwhile experience to try, one which will not disappoint.’ Gemma; dance, fitness and yoga teacher. 


'I lived with Mantra Shakti for over 2 years at Mandala Yoga Ashram and consider him to be a sincere and passionate practitioner of mantra. Not only does he have a rich and deep inner world and personal practice, I have participated in several workshops he has run whilst we lived in the community together and they always had a profound effect. He has a deep knowledge and I hope he continues to be able to share his learnings with an interested audience and community of spiritual folk interested in transformation using sound.'  Raj Soni; actor.  


‘On the penultimate night of my stay at the ashram, Mantra Shakti offered to host a voice workshop in the Sadhana hall for myself and a couple of other guests. 

Well, this turned out to be quite some experience for me and was a milestone in my search for meaning. It was an excellent session that included using vowel sounds as voice exercises, chanting mantra and singing with drums at the end. I don't know what happened but I eventually became overcome with energy and emotion and had what I can only describe as a mystical experience. I now knew that sound and my awakening voice was key for my growth and wellbeing. It was incredible. 

Shortly afterwards Mantra Shakti moved to Glastonbury and I began to visit him. We would sit on the Tor as he taught me mantras and we chanted together. Mantra Shakti has a wonderful, gentle teaching technique and made me feel very comfortable doing something I wasn't confident with initially. He also has this enthusiasm that lights him up as he speaks of mantra, to say it was infectious is an understatement!!’    Jake Edensor, musician. 

 Footnote:  The sadhana hall at Mandala Yoga Ashram is a very special place, because since 1986 people have been doing spiritual work therein.   So the atmosphere in the hall contributes to whatever practices are happening.  The acoustics provide a nice little echo as well.