People for whom mantra has not been part of their upbringing and culture may need help getting started with a mantra practice. I am not a Sanskrit speaker but I have done nearly ten thousand hours of mantra practice. I have been told that my enthusiasm for mantras encourages others to start a daily practice. Do get in touch if you feel that you might need encouragement and/or guidance with choosing a traditional mantra, or more than one; or you might opt for seed mantra combinations for one or more of the chakras. If it is the aforementioned chakra work that appeals to you then the options are listed below.
ONE. An introductory lesson where we select a few seed sound combinations and work with all the chakras. Intro lesson is not obligatory especially if the client has good prior knowledge of the chakras.
TWO. Focus mainly on one, two or three chakras, from any of the main seven chakras.
THREE. Go for a consecutive group of 3 chakras like: base, sacral, stomach; sacral, stomach, heart etc. These groupings do contain combinations which require the ability to assimilate sounds and rhythms quite quickly.
FOUR. Choose a theme from combinations based on: dolphins/whales/yew trees/Glastonbury/plant life/earth and water/fire/air and space.
FIVE. Choose a mental state or attitude from the following ten that can be transformed using seed sound combinations on the chakras: MARTYR COMPLEX APATHY ARROGANCE RAGE LACK OF PURPOSE DESPAIR
SIX. Whole session of either calming combinations or very upbeat combinations.
SEVEN. For the adept, have a go at some long, complex seed sound combinations and tongue
twister/fast seed sound combinations.
We may need to talk about how comfortable you are with learning new sounds, because I can choose short combinations which are easy to learn or I can offer combinations which are slightly musical.
A FREE call on zoom is available at an agreed time before the main session so that I can get an idea of what you may want from your mantra work.
90 Minute Session £60.00
One Hour Session £40.00
45 minute Session £30.00
Follow up / Clarity session
I also offer a short session if someone has a particular question arising from a course lesson, or needs one or two points about mantra practice clarified. Often these can be dealt with for no charge by email or in a Q. and A. session within a lesson, but sometimes a customer may need a little extra help.
30 minute Session £20.00