Services for sale are delivered online via zoom. Clifford David as the sole trader who runs the website seedmantrasonthechakras.co.uk is responsible for providing the customer with a written copy of the seed sounds to be used in each session, unless the session is one where the customer is being guided to choose mantras for themselves. The written copy of the mantras to be used should arrive a couple of days before the session. Normally it will be appended to the zoom link for the session.
As well as a written copy of the seed sound combinations, Clifford David will endeavour to get an audio file of the mantras sent to the customer prior to the lesson or workshop.
Refunds are available, but may be slightly less than the original fee owing to payment processing costs levied on the initial sale by the payment processor.
If a customer wishes to cancel their purchase and be refunded, they should contact the website 72 hours before the start of their booked drop-in lesson, individual session, workshop or course. Customers can transfer their booking to another date, instead of applying for a refund.
Clifford David considers chanting combinations of seed sounds on the chakras to be a safe practice. He does not accept responsibility for any emotional or mental upset that may occur as a result of the chanting. Clifford David has stated in the first introductory film on the Home Page of the website, that any person chanting mantra should check on themselves to see if any sound or combination of sounds makes them feel ill at ease. If this is the case, customers should cease using that sound or combination of sounds. This advice will be repeated at the start of each session.
Please contact info@seedmantraonthechakras.co.uk for any help.